Google My Activity: The ultimate guide to understanding your online data

Google My Activity: The ultimate guide to understanding your online data

Google My Activity is an excellent resource to keep track of all the data that Google collects on you – and it’s probably more detailed than you might expect! This guide will show you how to use the site to monitor your own activity, as well as how to protect your privacy by turning off services like location tracking, voice searches, and YouTube history tracking. All you need to do is follow these steps!

How to access Google My Activity

Visit the Google My Activity page. You’ll see a list of all the activity that’s been recorded associated with your account. You can use the tools on the left-hand side of the page to filter and delete activity. To view more detailed information about a specific activity, click on it. Google will present you with an overview of what happened and when. Below the description, you’ll find three tabs where you can see other details related to this event—for example, which devices were used or which apps were opened. You can also open these tabs from the menu on the left side of the screen.

How can I delete my activity?

First, open Google My Activity in your web browser. Next to the search bar, you’ll see a settings icon (the gear). Click on it and select Delete activity by. From here, you can choose to delete all of your activity or activity from a specific time period. You will also have the option to remove certain items manually.

For example, if you want to keep things like Gmail messages but not search history, then go through each category and uncheck the ones that you don’t want deleted. Once done, click the checkmark button at the bottom right corner of your screen to continue with deleting your data . If you ever need to get back into this page, just remember to sign in using your Google account.

Can someone else access my activity?

No, only you can see your activity. However, keep in mind that any information you share with Google – such as your searches, location, and browsing history – can be used to personalize your experience and the ads you see. So if you’re not comfortable with that, you may want to limit the amount of information you share. You can do this by signing out of services like Gmail or YouTube when you’re done using them. You’ll still have access to some content from those services, but it won’t be personalized based on what you’ve done elsewhere on the web.

What happens if I delete my account?

If you delete your account, all of the data that Google has collected about you will be gone. This includes things like your search history, browsing history, and any other information that they have about you. However, it is important to note that this data may still exist in other places, such as your ISP’s servers.

How can I view things in list format?

To view your activity in list format, head to the left-hand side of the page and select List view. This will show you a chronological list of all the things Google has recorded about your online activity. You can use the options on the right-hand side of the page to filter by date, product, and activity type. For example, you can see all the searches you’ve made in the past week or all the websites you’ve visited in the past month.

Why do some apps show up multiple times?

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a ton of apps on your phone. And, if you’re using an Android device, chances are that a good portion of those apps is made by Google. So it should come as no surprise that the My Activity site would show multiple entries for some apps. Here’s why each app might show up more than once and what’s happening behind the scenes.

For example, with Gmail, I have both an account that I access through my browser and one in the Gmail app on my phone. When I check my email through my browser at work, it shows up twice in My Activity: once under browser and once under Gmail. That’s because both times I accessed Gmail while logged into my account through a browser—one time at work and one time at home.

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