Linux distributions have come a long way

Linux distributions have come a long way

In the beginning, there was Linux on the desktop, and it was good. No really, it was! Linux offered more control over your computer than Windows, an operating system that would become bogged down with security holes and bloatware over time. Even with those advantages though, Linux never really broke into the mainstream market in a big way, which is why most people still don’t use it as their primary OS today. That’s not to say that Linux isn’t popular anymore though; quite the contrary actually!

10 years ago

In the early days of Linux, there were very few distributions available. Each one had its own unique look and feel, and they were all fairly difficult to use. There wasn’t much in the way of documentation, either, so users had to be pretty tech-savvy to get things up and running. Most people didn’t even know what Linux was, so this made it challenging for developers to find their target audience.

Today: With nearly 300 different distributions available today (some with multiple versions), Linux has become far more user-friendly. Documentation is readily available on most sites, and almost every distribution can connect directly to proprietary software repositories (which are typically provided by the operating system’s developer). A lot of new users find that once they get past the initial hurdles, everything else just works as it should.

All the old design issues have been resolved, too – each desktop environment provides a consistent experience across different devices, and choosing which distribution to install is simply a matter of personal preference. Gone are the days when you had to learn how to compile from source code just to get something working; now you only need an Internet connection and ten minutes’ worth of effort!


I remember when I first started using Linux about 10 years ago. The interface was confusing and the software wasn’t as good as what I was used to on Windows. But over the years, Linux has evolved and there are now many different distributions to choose from, each with its own unique features and appeal. Today, Linux is a viable option for anyone looking for an alternative to Windows or macOS.

Ubuntu offers an easy-to-use graphical user interface and Debian is great for power users who like to tinker around in the command line. Distributions like Ubuntu MATE give you access to all of your favorite programs from Windows and macOS, so you don’t need to change your workflow if you’re not ready yet. You can also try something new, like Arch Linux which provides you with a blank slate. With so many options out there, it’s hard to go wrong!


It’s hard to believe that Linux has been around for almost three decades now. In that time, it has gone from being a niche operating system to one that is used by millions of people around the world. While Linux has always been popular with developers and power users, it is only in recent years that it has become a viable option for mainstream users. As such, there are so many more choices today than there were back then. There are countless distros available, many of which are designed specifically for newbies. And while they’re not all perfect (no software ever is), they’re pretty darn good these days.

The key thing is finding out what you want to do with your computer and choosing the distribution that best fits your needs. Whether you want something simple like Elementary OS or Ubuntu MATE, something more robust like Debian or Fedora, or something specific like Kali Linux for penetration testing; whether you want an old-school desktop environment like GNOME 2 or Xfce 4.x; whether you need support for Microsoft Office documents; or whether you just need a simple web browser–there’s something out there for everyone!

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