A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: The History of the iPhone in Photos

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: The History of the iPhone in Photos

When Steve Jobs introduced the original iPhone in 2007, he already envisioned that it would look drastically different than anything else on the market. The first generation iPhone featured rounded edges, no physical keyboard and a 3.5-inch display. Since then, each successive model has brought new features and exciting innovations to keep up with the ever-changing smartphone market. Check out this photo timeline of every iPhone model released thus far and see just how much they’ve changed over the years!

Before the iPod

Apple has always been a company that thought outside the box. They’ve consistently released innovative products that have changed the way we live and work. And while they’ve had some misses along the way, they’ve also had some incredible successes. One of their most game-changing products is the iPhone. Released in 2007, the iPhone brought us an entirely new way to interact with our phones. Instead of typing out messages on a tiny keyboard or hunting through different menus for an app, everything was neatly organized and available at your fingertips. It was so much more intuitive than anything else on the market at the time.

Before the App Store

When the first iPhone was released in 2007, it was a game-changer. Not only was it sleek and user-friendly, but it also ushered in a new era of mobile computing. The App Store would soon follow, and with it came an explosion of creativity and innovation. Today, the iPhone is one of the most popular devices in the world, and its impact can be seen everywhere.

Before iOS

Apple’s first foray into the world of smartphones was not the iPhone, but rather the Newton MessagePad. Introduced in 1993, the Newton was ahead of its time in many ways, but it ultimately failed to catch on with consumers. Undeterred, Apple continued working on handheld devices and released the Palm Pilot in 1997. The Palm Pilot was much more successful than the Newton, but it would still be several years before Apple would enter the smartphone market.

Before Touch ID

Apple’s iPhone line has come a long way since its debut in 2007. The original model was sleek and simple, with just a few features. It was followed by the 3G and 3GS, which added support for third-generation networks and faster processors, respectively. Then came the 4 and 4S, which introduced FaceTime and Siri. The 5 and 5S got rid of the iconic home button, while adding LTE data speeds to help keep up with ever-increasing mobile internet usage.

That led to the 6, 6+, 6S, and SE models, which also adopted water resistance to make it easier to stay connected while out on adventures. And then there’s this year’s crop of new iPhones: the 7 and 7+, 8, 8+, Xs Max, Xr…and maybe even more surprises that we’ll see at today’s event!

Before Animoji

Apple’s first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007, and it revolutionized the way we communicate. It wasn’t just a phone – it was a miniature computer that fit in your pocket. And with its sleek design and easy-to-use interface, it quickly became one of the most popular gadgets on the market. But what came next? Here are some snapshots of the evolution of the iPhone over time.

Back when flip phones were cool

Do you remember when cell phones were so big they barely fit into your pocket? And then came the Razr, which was impossibly thin. But eventually, even that became old news. These days, we carry around miniature computers in our pockets, and it all started with the iPhone. Let’s take a look at how the iPhones have evolved over time!

The first model of Apple’s iconic smartphone looked more like an iPod than a phone—and only supported Wi-Fi for connectivity. That said, its 2.8-inch display (which seems small now) blew away most flip phones on the market at the time! Released on June 29th 2007, it cost $499 for an 8GB model or $599 for a 16GB version.

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