Ubuntu Server: A cheat sheet

Ubuntu Server: A cheat sheet

If you’re unfamiliar with the Ubuntu operating system, you’ll probably be intimidated by all of the options in the Server edition. To help you get started, we have this handy cheat sheet to let you know what each option does so that you can get your server up and running as quickly as possible. Let’s start by checking out the different install methods.

Printable PDF with tables and tips

With Ubuntu Server, you can get a stable, secure, and high-performance server that is perfect for your business. This cheat sheet will help you get started with Ubuntu Server and give you the information you need to get the most out of it. You’ll find instructions on how to install the OS, manage users and groups, configure networking, share folders across networks, set up firewalls, work with RAID arrays (physical drives or logical volumes), and back up data efficiently with snapshots, and much more. You’ll also find tips on securing an Ubuntu Server installation so it’s not vulnerable to attacks from hackers or malware.


This quick reference guide covers the basics of setting up and using an Ubuntu server. From installation to basic administration, this guide will help you get started with Ubuntu server. – Check out our website for additional documentation on how to install an Ubuntu server in different ways, including a clean install, minimal install or from another operating system.

How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on VirtualBox

If you want to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on VirtualBox, you’ll first need to download the ISO file from the Ubuntu website. Once you have the ISO file, you can create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox and start the installation process. The installation process is pretty straightforward–just follow the prompts and make sure to select Install Ubuntu Server when prompted.

Once the installation completes, login with your username and password that you created during setup. From there, open up a terminal window by clicking Applications > Accessories > Terminal (or press Ctrl+Alt+T). To confirm that your operating system is running as an Ubuntu server OS instead of as an Ubuntu desktop OS, type uname -a into the terminal window and hit enter.

How to Add User(s)

In order to add a user to your Ubuntu server, you will need to use the adduser command. This command will create a new user with the specified username. Once the user has been created, you can then set the password for the account. Additionally, you can add the user to any desired groups.

Finally, you can set up SSH keys for the user so that they can log into the server remotely. To do this, open up /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the line that says PermitRootLogin from yes to no. Now make sure to restart sshd by running sudo service ssh restart. Afterward, you can copy over the public key generated by running ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C  and pasting it in authorized_keys2 (or authorized_keys) under ~/.ssh.

How to Set Up Static IP Address

If you’re setting up a server, you’ll want to give it a static IP address so that it’s always reachable at the same address. To do this on Ubuntu Server, open the /etc/network/interfaces file and add the following lines (replace eth0 with your network interface):

# Set eth0 as a static ip address for an internal interface iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers Restart networking after making these changes by running: service networking restart You can verify that these changes were successful by running ip addr show eth0.

How to Change Root Password

If you’re running Ubuntu Server, you’ll probably want to change the root password at some point. Here’s how to do it 1) Open a terminal and type passwd

2) Follow the prompts and enter your new password twice

3) Enter your old password (to confirm) and press enter

4) Type exit and press enter to close out of the terminal

How to Run Updates on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS reached its end of life on April 28, 2021. To continue receiving security updates, you need to upgrade to a supported version of Ubuntu. The recommended way to do this is to use the do-release-upgrade command. This will install the new release and update your system. You can also use the GUI tool, Update Manager. If you’re using a server that doesn’t have a GUI installed, you can use the apt command to upgrade your system.

The following commands are for installing or upgrading to the latest available versions of all packages with an older package (or no package) as an argument. sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sudo reboot Note: Make sure you’ve upgraded all other packages before running these commands! As always, make sure you’ve backed up everything first!


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