How to Get the Most Out of Android Pie’s Recent Apps Feature

How to Get the Most Out of Android Pie’s Recent Apps Feature

Android Pie’s recent apps feature allows you to quickly switch between recently used apps, rather than the standard Android switching process that requires you to hold down an icon on your home screen and then swipe between screens to select the app you want to open. This new feature has the potential to save you time, but it can also easily be overlooked when trying to navigate through your phone. Here are some tips and tricks for getting the most out of Android Pie’s recent apps feature so that you can quickly switch back and forth between recently used apps with ease.

To find it, swipe up from the bottom of your screen, then tap Recents.

Android Pie’s recent apps feature is a great way to quickly switch between apps. To find it, swipe up from the bottom of your screen, then tap Recents. You’ll see a list of your most recently used apps. Tap on an app to open it.


Tap any app thumbnail, or drag it to the top of your screen.

If you’re running Android 9.0 or higher, you have access to a handy feature called recent apps. This lets you quickly switch between apps that you’ve used recently. Here’s how to use it

The best part is, you don’t even need to navigate your way there—you can just tap any app thumbnail from anywhere in Android and instantly switch over. This can be particularly useful if you want to keep multiple windows open for reference while working on something else. To drag an app thumbnail back into view, just grab its top bar and drop it back where you want it (or hit X if dragging isn’t your thing). You can also swipe left and right on home screen tiles and Quick Settings tiles as well; doing so will move through your most recently-used apps in those places as well.


Back in Step 1, scroll all the way down. Section: All Running Apps Here

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few apps that you use all the time. But what about those other apps that you only use occasionally?Android Pie’s recent apps feature can help you keep track of all your apps, both the ones you use all the time and the ones you only use occasionally.


Open an app from this list.

Android Pie’s recent apps feature is a great way to quickly access your most used apps. To open an app from this list, simply tap on it. You can also swipe up on an app to open it in full screen. If you want to see more apps in the list, tap the icon in the top right corner.


What you can do with Recents

Android Pie’s recent apps feature is a great way to quickly switch between apps. Here’s how to get the most out of it -Double tap on an app to open in full screen mode.

  • Hold down on an app and select Split Screen from the options that pop up for side by side use.
  • Swipe up on Recents and drag your finger left or right to select which app you want next.
  • Double tap the Home button, then swipe up from Recents, and choose Close All from the menu that pops up at the bottom of your screen.

Edit your Recents layout

Android Pie’s recent apps feature is a great way to keep track of your recently used apps. To edit your Recents layout, open the Settings app and go to the Display settings. From there, you can enable or disable the feature, and also change how many apps are shown in your recent apps list. You can also choose whether to show your most recently used app first, or your most frequently used app first. If you have a lot of apps installed on your device, you may want to consider disabling this feature to improve your device’s performance.

Drag and drop app thumbnails into different places

Android Pie’s recent apps feature is a great way to keep track of what you’re doing and switch between apps quickly. Here’s how to get the most out of it


Change how many thumbnails appear per row (and even how many rows are visible at once). Section: Clear all other apps at once

One of the great things about Android Pie’s recent app feature is that you can customize it to your liking. For example, you can change how many thumbnails appear per row, and even how many rows are visible at once. Plus, you can clear all other apps at once by simply swiping up on the home screen.

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